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Find Time Friday: Slow Down to Speed Up

Sometimes placing expediency over quality generates results with errors that then require additional time to correct. The end result is that you spent even more time on the project than you hoped. Linda Stone in her article Machine’s Can’t Flow: The Difference Between Mechanical and Human Productivity” presents the idea of slowing down in order to speed up.  She gives the example of a vascular surgeon who has a limited amount of time to clamp off blood supply, make a repair and then unclamp the blood supply.  He observed that when facing a time limit the instinct is to work quickly and accept slight imperfections for the sake of meeting the deadline.  While you may reach the deadline, you may also do so with enough mistakes that result in having to do the procedure again.  He encourages surgeons in training to slow down in order improve the quality of the work and ultimately save time in the end.

This Friday slow down to speed up.  Take your time and engage with the hows and whys of your work.  Committing to doing things correctly the first time and saving yourself doing them a second time to correct errors will save you time in the end.

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