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Make it Happen in 2010 – A few of our favorite strategies

If you’ve followed our last few posts, you now have a list of your goals for 2010. Next step – create an action plan. How are you planning to “make it happen?”  Here are a few of our favorite strategies:

  1. Break your goal down into next actions. For example – what is the first thing that needs to happen to move you closer to your goal? The next action? The next? and so on …
  2. Schedule these tasks, or action steps, into your calendar or onto a task list, prioritized by day. (ie: what day will you work on what task?)
  3. Take time today to plan for tomorrow. You’ll hit the ground running come morning.
  4. Prioritize your tasks each day. Which one, two, or three things can you do in a day that will make the biggest difference to your business or your life? If you could only get one done, which would it be? What one thing will you commit to working on until its done, or not closing out the day without making significant progress on?
  5. Eat a frog for breakfast” – which means, do the hardest thing first (yes, even before you check email first thing in the morning!).
  6. Stay positive – focus on what you can do that will make a difference, rather than fretting about what you don’t have control over.
  7. Share your goal(s) with someone else.  When you speak your goal out loud and share it with others, you increas your chance for success. Ask someone to support you by holding you accountable. (A service we provide very effectively, by the way!)
  8. Visualize your success.  How will you feel once you’ve achieved your goal?
  9. Reward yourself . Don’t just wait until the goal is achieved…celebrate the small wins along the way.
  10. Pick another goal and repeat steps 1-9. Its going to be a great year!

Let us know what you’ll be working on in the new year. We’d love to support you in any way we can. Feel free to comment below!

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