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Cherish the Memories, Not the Stuff: How to Capture Your Family History

For many a challenge with organizing memorabilia is conflict that arises when facing the decision of what things to let go.  This decision to let go is an important one because the volume of mementos can build up such that you can no longer enjoy living and working in your space.  A too-large collection of memorabilia then becomes a source of stress.  Often the emotions around letting go of memorabilia relate to the fear of forgetting the memory or story an item represents.  When faced with this fear it’s important to remember that removing the item from your home doesn’t remove the memory.  You can cherish the memories without holding onto the stuff.  There are other ways of preserving memories that don’t take up as much physical space.  One way is to capture images and words that tell your history and that of your family.

Paul Zohav is passionate about helping individuals and families capture their memories and stories.  He believes that our memories and life experiences shape who we are and that it’s important to capture these memories before memory fails with age.  Proactively capturing memories before the loss of memory creates a meaningful reference that allows people to hold on to their sense of identity and personal dignity as they age.  He also sees how capturing someone’s history and stories serves as a legacy for families.

To this end, Paul created the Living Legacy Project Life Book.  The Life Book is a work book that facilitates a process for reflecting on memories and a structure for capturing them in a permanent way.  Through the book families and friends have the opportunity to have meaningful conversations together about the past.  As loved ones age, these types of conversations won’t always be possible.  Once completed the Life Book then serves two purposes.  One, it is a documented legacy of someone’s life and memories.  Two, it is a resource to help someone who struggles with declining memory to remember and in doing so enjoy a renewed sense of self.

On the Living Legacy Life Book Web site you can read more about the Life Book and watch a video describing how it works and the the value engaging in this activity can have for you, your loved ones and the future of your family.

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