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Declutter Clinic

Are you a “Do It Yourselfer”? Could you use some clutter-clearing wisdom? You can try the Declutter Clinic and regain your freedom for just $99 and a little sweat equity, which is less than you are likely paying each month for storage of things you aren’t using.

After you register, the Declutter Clinic will send you a welcome email and video. The course officially runs for 4 weeks, but you can set your own pace as you go through it. Your membership page will have all your course materials for each week ready for download, and The Declutter Clinic will email you every 7 days to introduce the new week’s topics.

The course is divided the course into four different Treatment Plans, and you’ll get one lesson from each Treatment Plan every week. Each week includes a video outlining the week’s lesson, an audio and written transcript of each lesson, and a step-by-step checklist for you to put those lessons into practice.

Check out Declutter Clinic today!

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