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Join Us For A 5-Day Practical Minimalism Challenge!

5 day Practical Minimalism Challenge

Practical Minimalism is our take on a movement that’s been sweeping the nation. Are you up for a challenge? Have some clutter you could clear? Join us!

We are excited to announce that starting Monday, February 5th we will be hosting a new 5-Day Practical Minimalism Challenge!

Join us “virtually” February 5th thru 9th. We will be “meeting” via Facebook Live at 7:30am Pacific Time each day that week.

The focus of this Challenge is “Practical Minimalism“. Debbie will be discussing the tie between having less clutter and stuff at home and the impact on your time.

Each day we’ll present a new mini-challenge to help you overcome this obstacle to organization and productivity, and at the end of the week the “winner”, who cleared the most clutter or released the highest number of items will receive a free one-month membership in our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity program (valued at $147).

To join this free challenge, simply click this link  to go to the Facebook group sign up page and you can request to join. We’ll get you approved right away so you’ll be ready to say “Challenge Accepted” the week of February 5th.

Please Spread the Word!

Our last Challenge in November was really successful and we had more than 60 people join us throughout the week. We’d love to help twice as many people this time around.

If you know of someone who would benefit from this Challenge and the support and accountability it provides, please share this post and the link above and invite them to join! There’s no cost to join. We know that person will say “thank you” afterwards when they feel lighter and their life is easier as a result of clearing clutter. Whose life could you change today by sharing this free opportunity?

“See” you on Monday, February 5th starting at 7:30 am for your first dose of strategy, accountability and the day’s challenge. We’re looking forward to having you join us!

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