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Find an Organization That Needs Your Stuff!

Let go of what you don’t need anymore and at the same time, benefit a worthy organization who could really use your stuff.  Don’t just fill up a landfill with your unwanted possessions!  Previously we told you about the St. Vincent de Paul Society and how to donate to them. Today we want to share two additional resources for letting go.  One local to the Seattle area, and the other a national listing, they match non-profits that need stuff, with donors that have stuff.  They list local non-profits that need stuff, so that individuals can channel their donations directly to an organization near them that will put those items to good use – a win win!  Local nonprofits are looking for a variety of items you may have around your home like new or lightly used clothing, collectables, toys, medical equipment and kitchen appliances to dog beds, lumber, colored paper clips and ‘squirty’ hand soap! You never know what items you have around that are just collecting dust (or getting in the way of your ability to find what you need, when you need it), that others may really need. Check out these two options for letting go of your things:


Donate Seattle is a local organization that helps you find a non-profit that needs your clothes, books, bikes, computer, appliances and furniture.  Nonprofits list the items they need and you find an organization that needs your support.  Have questions?  Email or check out their FAQ page.

The Stuff Shop is a national website that can help you find someone who needs something you have to give, no matter where you are.  How does it work?  Simply click on the “stuff” tag in the right-hand column that matches the items you’re ready to let go of and they’ll connect you with some great resources. Or, you can click on the “city” or “state” tag to find out only about the resources in your local area.

How do you decide where to donate what you want to let go of?  We want to know!

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