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An Attitude of Gratitude Can Make You More Productive

Gratitude can help you to be more productive

Practicing gratitude makes you more productive

Studies have shown a correlation between gratitude and improved health, but did you know that taking just a couple of minutes each day to practice gratitude also help you to be more productive at work and at home?

Gratitude feels good

A feeling of gratitude can have an overall positive impact on your health and well-being. Developing an attitude of gratitude is one of the easiest and most effective habits to embrace. When you’re in a thankful mindset, you’re better equipped to meet the challenges of your day.

Beyond making you more productive, practicing gratitude makes you feel less stressed and can help you to sleep better at night. When you are relaxed and well-rested, you will be more effective and efficient at carrying out tasks and achieving goals.

Practicing gratitude is easy

Research on the effects of gratitude have found that people are more likely to make progress on their goals when they write down the things that they are grateful for. Spending just 5 minutes each day thinking about what you are grateful for trains your mind to focus on the positive things in your life. Expressing thanks is a great thing to practice, and adding it to your collection of daily success habits can  help you be more productive, as well. To help you get started, there are some terrific apps that you can use, such as “The Five-Minute Journal”.

The holidays can be a busy and hectic time, but if you start and end your day with a mindset of gratitude, you’ll be more productive and successful at reaching your goals.

May your Thanksgiving bring an abundance of comfort, good company, and a chance to finally sit back, relax, enjoy yourself, and reflect on the things you are grateful for in your life. Try and make this a daily habit: it’s good for your health AND your productivity!

From all of us, we wish you a happy holiday.

In gratitude,

The Simply Placed Team

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