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Holiday Gift Giving: It’s Not About the Stuff

Storage option finding solution, Spare Foot, recently put out an infographic and statistics that we found fascinating. We’ve gotten their permission to share here. Their research shows what we believed to be true, and have written about before, when it comes to gift receiving preferences. For the majority of gift recipients, it’s not about the stuff. In fact, 81% of Americans would rather receive the gift of an experience, than one more gadget, item or other “gift-of-a-thing” that may very well become clutter. 79% of people say they never use some of their gifts.

Other statistics related to gifts-of-stuff shared below:

  • On average, more than 1 in 4 gifts go unused
  • Nearly 1 in 5 Americans never use half their gifts

Extra “stuff” quickly becomes clutter in our homes and offices. We know that clutter can literally weigh us down, leading to negative impacts on our finances, health, mental well-being and energy level. A few specifics:

  • 44% of Americans make unhealthier food choices when their house is messy
  • People with a cluttered home experience increased exhaustion

This holiday season, consider giving gifts of experience or gifts of time, rather than gifts of stuff, unless you know specifically your recipient will appreciate the “item” in mind. We’ve got lots of ideas for gifts that won’t cause clutter. We’d love to hear what your most cherished or appreciated gifts have been over the years. What was the gift you gave that got the best reaction? Do you have any specific gift-giving traditions in your home or office?

As we enter this year’s holiday gift season, we hope you find ways to add more joy and less stress to your celebrations. Let us know how we can help!

Holiday Gifts that don't Cause Clutter

*Info-graphic and statistics come from, the place to find the best deals on self-storage and full-service storage

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