Have you or will you be making New Year’s Resolutions? If so you are like many millions of people around the world that are doing or preparing to do the same thing. Sometimes it can be hard to settle on just one change you’d like to make or accomplishment you hope to complete. However, if we attempt to change too much at one time, or overwhelm ourselves with so many goals and resolutions, we set ourselves up to fail.
Instead, your best option this year is to find one resolution that you want to make and then focus all your energy on attaining it. The beauty of this strategy, is that when you accomplish your goal, you can select and set a new one. The New Year isn’t the only time it makes sense to set goals. It just happens to be a natural “season” in which many people do consider what they want to achieve, do or have. So how do you just settle on one just New Year’s resolution this year?
Your first step in choosing your resolution will be to brainstorm all of the things you want to change, complete, do, have, start or stop in the coming year. Once your list is created, take a hard look at it and begin to prioritize. Which of the listed goals will make the biggest difference to you and your life if you were to accomplish them? Which do you really want and would be willing to focus your energy and efforts towards to complete?
You want to let two or three resolutions at most for a year, and then pick one that will be your first focus. Typically the goals that rise to the top of your list will be closely tied to your core values. These could be related to optimal health, relationships, financial security, contribution, spirituality, etc.
Once you have decided on your New Year’s resolution make a point to tell your family and friends about it. Once you publicly commit to a resolution your motivation will be that much higher to actually achieve it. You won’t want to become one of the statistics for those who fail to keep their resolution.
Breaking your resolution into smaller chunks will also make it easier for you to keep working on it daily. Write out all the steps you need to take to accomplish your goal. Include specific details and actions that you might take weekly or daily that will get you to the end result you want. The more details you include the clearer you path to your resolution will be.
If you could use some support in setting New Year’s resolutions that stick this year, please let us know. We’d be honored to partner with you in your success!