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Join Our “Less is More” May Minimalism Challenge!

Less is More Minimalism Challenge

We’ve all heard the phrase “Less is More”, but how many of us are actually living it? Would you benefit from letting go of clutter and items that aren’t adding value in your life anymore? Are you intrigued by the minimalism movement but aren’t sure where to start?

Sign up to participate in a Minimalism Challenge starting on May 1st and we’ll help you learn how less can be more!

How does the challenge work?

Easy! On May 1st, find one item that you can live without and let it go. Set it aside in a box or a bag for donation, or directly into your recycling or trash bin. On May 2nd, find and let go of two items, then on May 3rd, you’ll release three items… and so on.

By the end of the month, you will have let go of 465 items that you are not using or no longer need!

As you go along in the challenge, you’ll discover ways to be creative in what you let go of, and you’ll find how easy it can be! We aren’t asking you to mirror the Marie Kondo “Konmari” method of thanking each item you let go. Just be free of it if it isn’t needed or doesn’t add value to your life anymore!

Each day, we’ll offer encouragement and ideas to motivate you. We’ll also publish a post where everyone can share their daily progress and cheer one another along in the process.

How can I join the challenge?

We’re offering two options for you to participate in the challenge. One is to simply play along on your own (let us know you’re doing so so that we can silently cheer you on) and the other through a paid membership in our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity group. With your paid membership, in addition to the Minimalism Challenge, membership benefits for the month of May will include: 

  • Our monthly webinar (the May topic is “Physical Organization”), packed with information, effective strategies, and inspiration.
  • A monthly live “Ask The Coach” session
  • A monthly “Accountability Day”, with hourly Zoom check-ins and support to help you tackle your priorities. Do you have a goal or project you could use some help moving forward? Are you feeling stuck or procrastinating and need an accountability nudge? This day is for you!
  • Recordings of Zoom webinars and FB live events.
  • Membership in our exclusive Facebook community.
  • Resources galore! From hand-outs to simplify note-taking and helpful resource documents, to our Simply Placed e-newsletter, we’ve got you covered! You’ll have tips, techniques, and strategies that help you get organized, stay organized, and maximize your productivity.

Contact us to sign up for a one-month, $147 membership in our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity group and we’ll provide the community, accountability and guidance you need to get started toward achieving life-changing and long-term results.

Want a free bonus gift? Retain your membership beyond the challenge and we’ll send you a free copy of our “Meal Planning Made Easy” guide (it’s electronic and clutter-free!).

Want to release over 450 items from your home, office and life in just one month? It’s time to clear some physical clutter!

We think you’ll agree that “Less is More” and we can’t wait to hear how this challenge impacts your home, work and life! Have some clutter you could clear? Join us!

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