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Monday Mom’s Moment: Preserving Schoolwork

With the school year coming to a close, your home is probably being inundated with a year’s worth of art, essays, tests and projects. Are you looking for an alternative to storing all those papers and projects? We have a few ideas for how you can preserve the memory, without keeping the clutter.

1. Take a picture! If your child came home with a castle they built, a science project or diorama that are particularly proud of but  is quite large, take a picture instead of keeping it. A picture will preserve the memory and allow you to display their hard work, without keeping a bulky solar system or volcano.

2. Scan artwork, tests and other papers. Have your child select a variety of items they are particularly proud of and scan them, then you are free to recycle the paper but you’ve preserved the image.

3. Select just a few things for a memory box. Instead of keeping everything that comes home, ask your child to select just a few things that are special to keep. Try selecting projects, papers or art that shows you’re child’s growth through the year.

How do you preserve the memories from the school year? We want to know!

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