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What You Need to Know About Multitasking and Managing Email

Managing your Inbox without Multitasking

Managing your Inbox without Multitasking

How many times a day or an hour do you stop what you are doing to check your email, or (try to) write an email while you are speaking with someone or doing something else? If you have your email set up to send out a visual or sound notification every time a new email comes in, chances are you are switching back and forth between your email and other tasks very frequently.

The Cost

Have you ever paid attention to how long it takes you to get back to what you were doing after you have left it to check your email? If not, you might be very surprised to discover how much time you lose re-establishing your focus on the task you were working on. A study done by Microsoft showed that on average, it takes 15-20 minutes to re-engage fully in a task or project each time we’re interupted (or each time we interupt ourselves). This time lost can easily turn an eight hour work day into an eleven hour work day!

When used well, email can be an efficient, effective and convenient tool for communication.  All too often, however, due to the volume of emails sent and received everyday (205 billion worldwide), our email inbox can become an overwhelming monster!  The average office worker receives 121 emails everyday, and that’s just at work.  So, what is a person to do?  Do you feel like your Email inbox is out of control in need of a detox ?

Join us March 5-9 at 7:30am on Facebook Live for a FREE 5-day Inbox Detox Challenge

The Solution

During the challenge, you’ll learn how to proactively manage your inbox so it doesn’t manage you. You’ll take part in implementation challenges that retrain you to process Email in an effective way so that you’re able to focus on your priorities.

Click on the link above to join the challenge and take control of your Email inbox instead of letting it control you.

And in the meantime, stop multitasking by trying to deal with email while you also get other work done. It just doesn’t work and it is costing you time that you could otherwise spend on what matters most to you.


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