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Optimize Your Energy to Increase Your Productivity

Optimize Energy to Increase Productivity podcast with Smead

Debbie recently recorded another “Keeping You Organized” podcast with national office supply company, Smead, in which she discussed the correlation between optimizing your energy and increasing productivity.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We can’t create more than that, but we can optimize our energy to maximize our results. How? First, by taking care of ourselves and being more thoughtful about how we are spending our time. When we do this, we are able to be of service to others, be more productive and get the most out of our 24 hours.

The Importance of Self-Care

Anyone who has flown on a commercial airplane knows you are supposed to “put on your own mask before assisting those around you”. The same holds true when it comes to self-care. When you think about the things that you are able to control, and by understanding your boundaries, you’ll be better equipped.

Consider the things that impact your physical energy: good nutrition, the proper hydration, physical activity, getting enough sleep. When you practice good habits each day, you’ll be more likely to achieve the results you desire in your day.

Beyond the physical things, changing your mindset and practicing a moment of gratitude each day will plant positive seeds. Our thoughts and our values impact our actions.

A Morning Routine Grounds You

A morning routine gets you started on the right foot, making for a more productive day. The morning routine that Debbie follows comes from the book “Miracle Morning”, written by Hal Elrod, and is based on the premise that how you start your day largely determines the quality of your day, your work, and your life. The morning routine is centered around the acronym SAVERS:

S: Silence – take some quiet moments in the morning for meditation

A: Affirmation – something positive; an “I am…” statement

V: Visualization – create a vision board, write a goal – visualize the results

E: Exercise – some kind of physical activity, even if it is only a few minutes

R: Read – 10 min each day reading something positive and beneficial, an inspiring quote, personal development book, etc.

S: Scribe – journalizing, externalizing your thoughts and ideas

How Can Simply Placed Help You to Optimize Your Energy and Increase Your Productivity?

You want more time for yourself, right? We all do! And that’s what the “It’s About Time” Virtual Productivity Program can help create in your life.

It is a unique, one-of-a-kind training experience that can help you learn how to free up more time to spend on the things you value. Time with family and friends. Time for hobbies or volunteer work. Or time to take just for yourself, to renew and recharge.

This is a dynamic community of information and support and we would love to welcome you to the group!

Watch the podcast here as Debbie discusses work/life harmony and using the SAVERS acronym for getting into the correct mindset to start your day off right.



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