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Plan for Success in 2010

While we’re not big advocates of setting New Year’s Resolutions just for the sake of setting resolutions, we are BIG believers in setting GOALS and for creating action plans to help you achieve your goals. Alan Lakein adapted a quote from Winston Churchill to read “Failing to Plan is planning to fail”. Are you planning for success in 2010?

Though we help clients with goal setting strategies year-round, this time of year it seems particularly relevant. Closing out one year and facing the fresh prospects of a new year is a great time for reflection, for dreaming, for goal setting and for planning. Many see a new year  as a clean slate laid out before them; a chance to start something new, a chance to take a new approach, or a chance to rededicate yourself to projects, objectives or people that are important to you.

With 2010 fast approaching, now is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the year ahead.

The first step in planning for 2010 is to reflect on 2009.  You can do this by reviewing your business and marketing plan, or listing your major accomplishments and challenges of the year.

  • What went well?
  • What major obstacles did you come up against?
  • What do you want to do differently next year?
  • What did you enjoy?
  • What energized you?
  • What drained your energy?
  • What are you most proud of?

Take a few minutes this week to sit down and reflect.  Get out a notepad and write down your answers to the above questions.  Once you have reviewed your past year, the next step would be to set SMART goals for the upcoming year.  What will you do differently to ensure you achieve the results you want?  We will be blogging about SMART  Goals soon so stay tuned.

Set yourself up for success! If you’re looking for an experienced Productivity Consultant to help you effectively reflect, set SMART goals and create an action plan that will work, please let us know. We’d be honored to be a resource and to see you achieve all of your goals in 2010.

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