Customized to Your Goals & Needs
We offer five comprehensive programs that provide the most complete organization and productivity training, delivered in different formats so that each organization can select the duration and frequency that best suits their goals and needs. Complementary topics from our targeted workshops are combined and customized for each audience. These programs are ideal for work teams or groups of high potential managers, emerging leaders, newly promoted managers or new employees.
Included with all ½ Day Workshops and Programs
We will conduct a Discovery Session to learn about your needs, current initiatives and goals. We’ll research your organization, industry and interview key employees to better understand the work you do, solution you deliver, and challenges you face so that we can customize your workshop appropriately. We will arrive on site up to 30 minutes prior to your session(s) for set up and to greet participants, and stay for up to 30 minutes after the session(s) to answer individual questions and wrap up.
In addition to customized PowerPoint decks, to reinforce key ideas, encourage continued learning and support implementation, each participant is provided with the following resources:
- Folder to hold customized class handouts and exercises that address specific issues to improve focus, organization and productivity
- 3×5 Capture Cards for “Clearing the Mind” Exercise
- Copy of Debbie’s book Six Word Lessons to Be Productive, a collection of easy-to-read and easy-to-implement tips and strategies congruent with ideas discussed in the workshop
- Foundational Stone to help reinforce ideas presented regarding focus
- Trainer’s contact information and invitation to email quick questions or call for support during implementation process
- Subscription to monthly e-newsletter with tips and ideas for improving organization and productivity
Your ROI
Knocking down productivity barriers results in time and money savings. For example (numbers run on a set of employees earning an average salary of $45,000 p/year – ROI is higher if average salary is higher):
- A savings of 30 minutes a day translates to $2,760 a year per employee
- Having 25 employees in a single class or program, each saving 30 minutes a day, results in the company better spending OVER $69,000 per year! Having 100 new hires take our Optimized Employee Onboarding Program and each conservatively saving 30 minutes a day results in the company better spending OVER $276,000 per year!
- These are better spent salary dollars. Imagine the return on investment that can be calculated when employees are better able to follow through on sales and service matters, seize new business development opportunities and focus on the activities that positively impact the bottom line.
Optimized Employee Onboarding Program
You invest every time you hire new employees. Proactively reduce turn-over and let us help you protect that investment by ensuring each new hire is set up with foundational skills that will not only increase their organization, productivity, engagement, satisfaction and results, but also your retention. Three full days of training workshops provided once each quarter for new employees. Days can be implemented consecutively or spaced out. Option for addition of implementation support.
- The Best Laid Plans (Half-Day Workshop)
- Get It Done (Half-Day Workshop)
- Optimize Outlook (Half-Day Workshop)
- Unearth Your Desk (Half-Day Workshop)
- People Power (Half-Day Workshop)
- Measuring Results (1.5 Hours): Follow-through to evaluate what’s working, what needs improvement, and sharing success stories, tips and best practices.
Ongoing support offered through bi-monthly virtual office hours.
12-month contract
Foundational Productivity Skills Program
This series of four half-day workshops provides your employees with the must-have, foundational skills to increase focus, organization and productivity at work. Workshops include:
- The Best Laid Plans (Half-Day Workshop)
- Get It Done (Half-Day Workshop)
- Optimize Outlook (Half-Day Workshop)
- Unearth Your Desk (Half-Day Workshop)
Effective Employee Program
This group training series will teach your employees valuable systems and habits so that they can be more effective. Sessions include:
- The Best Laid Plans (Half-Day Workshop)
- Get It Done (Half-Day Workshop)
- Optimize Outlook (Half-Day Workshop)
- Unearth Your Desk (Half-Day Workshop)
- People Power (Half-Day Workshop)
- Measuring Results (90 min session + manager report): Follow through to evaluate what is working, what needs improvement, sharing success stories, tips and best practices.
Essential Productivity Skills Program
Our foundational workshops paired with individual implementation support ensures employees take action immediately on lessons learned. Participants also receive our newsletter subscription to extend the learning. Ensure your employees have the essential productivity skills by offering them:
- The Best Laid Plans (Half-Day Workshop)
- Get It Done (Half-Day Workshop)
- Optimize Outlook (Half-Day Workshop)
- Unearth Your Desk (Half-Day Workshop)
- Individuation Implementation Support (3 Hours): Individual help with goal setting and focus, email management, time and task management, planning and prioritization, work space organization, effective delegation, running effective meetings, fighting procrastination and handling interruptions.
Optimized Employee Program
Pair our Effective Employee workshops with individual implementation support to ensure employees take action immediately on lessons learned. Learning continues with our newsletter subscription. Optimize your employees by offering them:
- The Best Laid Plans (Half-Day Workshop)
- Get It Done (Half-Day Workshop)
- Optimize Outlook (Half-Day Workshop)
- Unearth Your Desk (Half-Day Workshop)
- People Power (Half-Day Workshop)
- Measuring Results (1.5 Hours): Follow-through to evaluate what’s working, what needs improvement, and sharing success stories, tips and best practices.
- Individuation Implementation Support (3.5 Hours): Individual help with goal setting and focus, email management, time and task management, planning and prioritization, work space organization, effective delegation, running effective meetings, fighting procrastination and handling interruptions.
We offer two specific programs thoughtfully designed to support employees and executives through transitions, whether that is changing locations or increased leadership responsibilities. “You’ve Got to Move It, Move It” provides organization support for companies and employees who are moving offices. Our Executive VIP Experience provides individualized premium coaching to support corporate leaders in reaching their maximum potential.
You’ve Got to Move It, Move It
Moving offices is an ideal time to declutter and improve organization. We combine workshops and hands-on support to ensure a well-organized office move, with minimized down time or loss of productivity. Split into segments, we start with a workshop to help employees prepare for the move and finish with a workshop to help employees set up their new organized work space. We offer implementation support both on the move prep day (clearing clutter and packing up) as well as on the move-in day (organized unpacking and setting up) with two Professional Organizers. A “post-move” office hour is scheduled for two weeks after your move so we can answer employee questions/address issues that may have come up while using the newly organized space. Employees who benefit from our moving support and strategies experience improved organization and productivity with better systems for their new office space. Emphasis on:
- Desk and workspace organization
- Paper filing and management
- Organizational habits
Executive VIP Experience
Our Executive VIP Experience is our white-glove intensive that provides effective and rapid results for executives and managers seeking a higher level of productivity and success. After conducting an assessment, three priority topics are selected, an action plan for change is created, and implementation dates are scheduled. Our personalized individual implementation support and coaching concludes with recommendations for the executive’s team.
Investment includes our Discovery Call/Meeting, Pre-Assessment/Needs Analysis, customized agenda and content, gourmet a.m. coffee/tea, catered lunch, resource materials, TimeTimer, Six-Word Lessons to be More Productive book, monthly newsletter for ongoing learning, follow-up email, two 30-minute virtual accountability sessions and personal access to consultant support for 90 days with rapid response times.
Based on our Discovery Meeting and your Assessment, we’ll help you select from the following areas of concentration.
- Email Management
- Task Management
- Time Management
- Workspace Organization
- Effective Delegation
- Running Effective Meetings