In Part 2 of our series on “quick hit” organizing tasks or projects, we are focusing on specific spaces. With the weekend coming, it’s a great time to focus on some general spring cleaning, or even tackle some semi-annual tasks you might have put off when you moved your clocks forward an hour for daylight savings time!
Below is a list of shorter duration projects and activities, many of which can be done in under 30 minutes. These could provide a break from other work you are doing from home, or give you a productive task if you’re feeling like you have some extra time to fill.
You could pick one on any given day, or if you do find that you have the time and motivation to work on a bigger project, combine any number of these for a project that may take a couple of hours, a half day, or even a full day. For example, all closet-related tasks could become a total clean-out and organization of the closet session if you have the time, energy and will. Let’s get started!
- Clean out and organize your nightstand drawers and top
- Clean out and organize your jewelry, scarves, handbags, or other accessory categories (hats, gloves, etc.).
- Clean out and organize your underwear and sock drawers
- Clean out and organize clothing items in drawers/closet
- Bag up items for donation
- Clean out bathroom drawers and cupboards under sinks
- Organize cosmetics and travel-size products
- Clean make-up brushes
- Organize toiletries (soaps, lotions, cleansers, shampoo, conditioner, deodorants, cotton balls, Qtips, feminine products, shaving products)
- Organize hair tools (brushes, dryers, styling products, heat tools, clips)
- Clean the sinks, toilets, tubs, showers, counters and floors of bathrooms
- Deep clean the microwave and/or oven
- Match Tupperware with lids, discard excess or those without matches
- Clean out the pantry, fridge and freezer
- That cupboard under the sink…
- Clean out and organize:
- the spice drawer, rack, cupboard
- everyday dishes, glasses, flatware
- serving dishes, platters, bowls
- pots and pans, baking pans, utensils, etc.
- reusable water bottles, mugs, etc.
- vases, cookie tins, canisters
- paper good storage
- Box up unused items for donation
- Go through a box of photos and toss duplicates, blurry ones or ones you know you won’t miss or do anything with. Have more time? Scan what’s left!
- Go through kids’ art or schoolwork you’ve saved and pare it down to a representation of the time period (age, school year, etc.)
- Take photos of memorabilia that you could let go but want to keep the “memory” of (ie: special outfit or costume you/your child will never wear again, large art/science project, etc.)
- Gather any home videos that are currently on tapes of varying sizes and types and organize them so that they could be transferred to the cloud and/or thumb drive for safe, and more space effective, storage.
- Mow your lawn or pull weeds
- Plant bulbs or spring plants
- Clean your BBQ
- Tidy and sweep out the garage
- Clean out and vacuum your car
Our next blog post will focus on work-related organizational tasks that can help you to be more productive, self-care and personal development activities, and activities you can do to tap into your creative side or nurture others.
Want more clutter-clearing motivation?
If you’re looking for some additional clutter-clearing motivation, consider a membership in our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity program. During the month of April, we will be focusing on Minimalism, clearing clutter and organizing your physical space and stuff.