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Smead Asks the Organizer: Our Take on Minimalism

What does practical minimalism mean to you?

Minimalism Redefined

Minimalism is all the buzz. Simplifying things at work and at home is a concept that has broad appeal, however, when defined by some as the extreme paring down of one’s possession, living space and even carbon footprint, “minimalism” can feel overwhelming.

Attracted by the idea, but paralyzed to know where to start or how to achieve the elusive goal of only owning a certain number of items, living in a tiny home, or drastically changing one’s habits and lifestyle, many people become paralyzed and decide to do nothing at all.

We believe in “practical minimalism” – an approach to having the things you use, love and find valuable to your work and life, in an organized fashion so that you can find what you need when you need it, and have time for what matters most. Practical Minimalism can be achieved gradually, if that works and feels best to the person wishing to simplify their work or life. It can be done in a way that makes a difference to you and does not have to be defined in any particular way by others.

Smead asks the organizer

National office supply and organizing product company, Smead, recently interviewed Simply Placed Certified Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant and Trainer Debbie Rosemont, to get her take on Minimalism. You can listen to her thoughts and ideas here:

Minimalism will mean something different to everyone. Some choose to practice it at home, some at work, and many implement the concept both at work and home. You may want to start out slowly by being minimalistic with your office, your wardrobe, or just one room of your home, and then working up to incorporating it in other areas of your life.

If Simply Placed can give you a jump start, or help you achieve your definition of minimalism practically, please let us know. We know you can do it, will love the benefits and would be honored to partner in your success. Minimalism; redefined.

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