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Find Time Friday: Spring Forward…and add semi-annual reminders!

Daylight Savings Time is about to begin again. Before you go to bed on Saturday, remember to “spring forward” and set your clocks ahead one hour! Bring on the extra daylight and the start of spring!

I bet you’re pretty good about remembering to change your clocks twice a year. There are reminders all around us to spring forward! In our productivity workshops we teach participants to tie a new habit they’re trying to develop to something they already do routinely. This takes the need to remember to do the new thing away.

You routinely change your clocks semi-annually, right? Let’s leverage that. What other task do you need or want to do twice a year? Change your smoke detector batteries? Clean out your files? Purge your car’s trunk? Clean out your kitchen? Tie this semi-annual task with “spring forward” and “fall back” dates and you’ll never forget!

How do you schedule your semi-annual tasks? We want to know!


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