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Toss Board Games: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Toss Board Games: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing board games and card games! Ten minutes is enough time to purge your family’s game stash. If you can’t remember the last time you played that game with your friends or family, it’s time to ditch it. If you have games… Read more

Toss Nail Polish: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing nail polish! Ten minutes is enough time to purge your stash of nail polish. Did you know that nail polish has a limited shelf life? If it’s been more than 2 – 3 years since you opened the bottle, it’s time… Read more

Toss Cosmetics: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing cosmetics! Ten minutes is enough time to purge your stash of cosmetics in your purse, car or drawer. Did you know that your cosmetics have a shelf life and each item has a different lifespan?  Time to toss those expired lip… Read more

Toss Items from the Laundry Room: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing items from your laundry room! Ten minutes is enough time to sort through your stash of stain removers, cleaners, detergents and softeners. It’s also time to toss out those lonely socks that collect next to the dryer, that damaged ironing board… Read more

Toss Scarves and Ties: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing ties and fashion scarves! Ten minutes is enough time to sort through your stash of ties and scarves in your closet or dresser. Time to toss those out-dated ties and out-of-style scarves! Donate any items that no longer fit your needs or taste but are… Read more

Toss Socks: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing all of your old and mismatched socks! Ten minutes is enough time to sort through your sock drawer, gym bag and laundry room and rid it of all those perpetually single socks (who knows where the other ones go?). Time to… Read more

Toss Old Calendars and Datebooks: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes on your old calendars and datebooks! Ten minutes is enough time to sort out those piles of various calendars and planners (digital ones too, if applicable) from 2012! It’s a new year and it’s time to look ahead. Toss calendars that are… Read more

Toss Holiday Decor: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes on your old or broken holiday decor! Ten minutes is enough time to sort out those holiday decorations that you don’t want to store for another year! Toss anything  that’s broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged and donate what you’re tired of to a local… Read more

Toss Tupperware: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes on your Tupperware cabinet/drawer/shelf clearing out old containers. Ten minutes is enough time to sort out Tupperware that’s badly stained, cracked, missing a lid or warped. It’s time to toss mismatched and missing containers to make the Tupperware that’s still functional, easily accessible! So accept the… Read more

Toss PJs: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing PJs. Do you have a drawer, shelf, or closet filled with old tattered pajamas you’ve had forever? Are your PJs taking up more space than their fair share of the closet or dresser? Time to pitch or donate! Ten minutes is enough time… Read more

Toss Media: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing media you can’t play or view anymore – cassette tapes, video tapes, DVDs, film canisters and partially used disposable cameras. Do you have a drawer, shelf, box, or entertainment center stuff with VHS tapes even though you’re without a tape player? Are old… Read more

Toss Manuals and Warranties: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge!  RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing old manuals and warranties.  Is your filing cabinet, drawer or box overflowing with manuals and warranties for appliances you don’t own anymore? Ten minutes is enough time to go through your warranty and manual hiding place and purge it of anything… Read more

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