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Toss Board Games: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing board games and card games! Ten minutes is enough time to purge your family’s game stash. If you can’t remember the last time you played that game with your friends or family, it’s time to ditch it. If you have games that are still in good shape and have all their pieces intact, donate them! Take control of your game shelf, cabinet or box! Accept our challenge and get your games (and playtime) organized today!

Even after purging, do you have a lot of games remaining? Check out our previous post Monday Mom’s Moment: Organized Games and spend some time following our tips for getting your games organized!

Ready, Set, TOSS!

If you have ideas for a Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge, please let us know! In the meantime, check back weekly for a new challenge and make sure to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing about how you do with the challenges.

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