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Tech Talk Thursday: Streamline and Save Time Scheduling with Doodle

Email is a powerful and ubiquitous tool.  It serves many purposes and often it serves them well.  However, there are a few instances where email is the wrong tool for the job and using it creates wasted time, stress and miscommunication.  All of these are negative costs to productivity.  Email is a terrible tool for scheduling meetings or group events.  Using it for this purpose creates long threads of conversation for the organizer to sift through and make sense of.  Doodle is a scheduling software tool that coordinates collecting feedback from small and large groups and eases the process of deciding on a meeting or event time.

At it’s most basic, Doodle does not require you to create an account to create a poll for scheduling a meeting.  You enter in your name and meeting time suggestions and then send a link to the saved poll to participants so they can comment on their availability.  With a free account Doodle does support calendar integration for Google Calendar, Outlook and iCal.  This streamlines meeting planning by eliminating the toggle between your calendar and the Doodle interface. Doodle has dabbled with mobile apps with limited success.  They do, however, offer a mobile interface.

Plan today to save time and reduce stress and effort by getting the right tool for job of scheduling meetings and events.  Learn more about Doodle.

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