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How Might Your Life Be Better With Less?

Have you heard about The Minimalists? They are Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, who write about living a meaningful life with less stuff for 4 million readers. Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives, and clear the clutter from life’s path to make room for the most important things. Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

In addition to their writing, podcasting and speaking, Fields and Nicodemus also recently made a film called Minimalism, a Documentary About The Important ThingsThe film screened last week in Seattle and I was fortunate to be in the the sold out theater along with many other people inspired by their message. They were present and took questions after the film, and it was wonderful to see so many people, especially young people, excited about simplifying their lives and doing more with less.

If you have a chance to see the film I highly recommend it. From minimalist architects, designers, and musicians, to business people, authors, and minimalist families, the film explores a variety of ways for living a more meaningful, simple and deliberate life.

If you are in the Seattle area and did not get a chance to see last week’s screening, you have two more chances in the next two weeks. It is showing Wednesday May 25th (that’s tonight!) in Issaquah and Thursday June 2 in Seattle. For details go here. For information on screenings in other cities and how to host your own screening through Gathr, go here.

If you see the film and it inspires any ideas for changes you might make to do more with less, we would love to hear about them. If you need help deciding what to let go of, give us a call. We help people set goals, prioritize, eliminate clutter, and focus on what is most important, so you can find more balance and fulfillment in work and in life.

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