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To-Do List Troubles?

…Paper or Pixels? With so many options, it can be hard to find the task management system that will work best. While some people prefer using electronic systems for managing their tasks and priorities, others prefer paper. Either way, the important thing is to find the system that works best for YOU.

There are countless numbers of apps and technology tools for keeping track of tasks that many people find helpful. Electronic systems help to reduce paper clutter and provide advantages for syncing between devices and reducing data entry, but for many people, writing things down on paper is their preferred way of keeping track of their To-Do list.

Are you one of those people who feels anxious with a To-Do list app that is constantly reminding you of all the things you need to do? As your list grows longer, do you feel your ability to focus is hampered? If so you are not alone. Long lists of things to do are a constant source of distraction and anxiety, and items left undone creates stress.

Using a paper system to keep track of daily tasks and priorities helps many people gain focus and reduce stress. Time management expert Harold Taylor created the Daily Priority Pad – a “notepad on steroids”, a daily priority planning pad that helps you focus just on the things you need to get done today, without anxiety about tomorrow. This video shows how it works.

Whether you prefer using your computer, smart phone or a notepad for keeping track of your To-Do list, the key is to collect all of your tasks in one place and review it daily. Maintaining an end-of-day routine that includes reviewing your task list and preparing your priorities for the following day helps you stay organized and reduces stress. Do you have a task management system you love? Let us know!

Contact us if you need help with time management or other productivity consulting.

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