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Toss Valentine’s Day Clutter: Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge

Time for the Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge! RIGHT NOW spend 10 minutes tossing your leftover weekend Valentine’s Day clutter! Valentine’s Day is over and you need your space back.  Take photos of precious cards and select just a few of the themed art projects your kids came home from school with to keep. Did you receive chocolates that are begging you to end your healthy food plan? Pass them to someone who can enjoy them! Accept our challenge and toss the décor that has invaded your home!

Ready, Set, TOSS!

If you have ideas for a Tuesday Ten Minute Toss Challenge, please let us know! In the meantime, check back weekly for a new challenge and make sure to join in the fun. We look forward to hearing about how you do with the challenges.

Have ten more minutes? Try Toss Refrigerator Clutter!

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