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Wellness Wednesday: Boost Your Energy with Organization

Being disorganized affects more than just your environment, it also has a strong relationship with your level of health and wellness. Disorganization can make you feel tired, overwhelmed and out of control. This can contribute to your overall daily stress level.

Do you struggle with disorganization and time management and feel as though you are exhausted and never going to get ahead? Did you know that being organized boosts energy levels? Oppressive surroundings that are full of clutter and chaos can make one feel  unmotivated and tired. You may feel confused, scattered, and unable to prioritize your work and home life. This constant state of heightened stress is exhausting! When your environment is organized and free from clutter, you feel lighter of being and more able to focus on more meaningful activities and goals.

Try one of our recent Tuesday Ten Minute Tosses today and get on your way to reducing your stress and boosting your energy! Our most recent tosses include: Toss Nail Polish, Toss Cosmetics, Toss Items from the Laundry Room and Toss Scarves and Ties. Let us know how you do with the challenges and join us each Tuesday for new ideas!

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