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Wellness Wednesday: Get Moving at Work

After a long day at your desk, how do you usually feel? Stiff? Achy? Tired?

Studies show that stretching, standing and walking can improve your focus and productivity, not to mention make you feel great by the end of the day for a change! Taking the time to stretch and move during your workday can  prevent work-related injuries such as repetitive stress motions or carpal tunnel syndrome. The best part about stretching is – you can do it anywhere and at anytime while you work so you can always improve your focus, energy level and alertness not to mention, give your muscles a break when they need it!

Before you get going, make sure you’re doing it safely and effectively so you can make the most of its productivity-boosting benefits!

1. Focus on your major muscle groups and stretch both sides equally.

2. Don’t stretch cold muscles! Do something to warm up a bit first.

3. Stop if you feel pain. You should feel only tension while your stretching. If you feel pain stop, you’ve pushed yourself too hard.

4. On your breaks, take a quick walk and absorb some fresh air. Don’t be tempted to stay sitting at your desk! Maybe you could just take the long way to the water cooler?

How do you stay focused and loose at work? We want to know!

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