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Be Below Average in Order to be More Productive

There are probably many things you strive to excel at in order to do better in your field and accomplish more in your day.  Today consider how being below average in one key area will recoup hours of wasted time each week, help you work and think with greater focus and ultimately will help you do more with your day. Consider this:

The average working professional spends roughly 23% of the workday on email, and glances at the inbox about 36 times an hour.
(Byster, Mike. The Power of Forgetting, 2014).

This average working professional barely works 50% of each hour!  Even that small amount of work time suffers from the residual effects of breaking concentration to glance at the email inbox.  What if you and the rest of the workforce operated at a higher capacity?  What would you accomplish?

Now, today! Strive to be below average.  Join the below average minority who have adopted better email behavior and no longer let the inbox manage them.  They choose when and for how long to process email and then choose to use the rest of their time working toward their personal and professional goals.  You can too!

Read these related articles to lean more about increasing your productivity through better management of time and focus or contact us for a free phone consultation.

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