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Feeling Stuck? Map It Out!

Building new habits can be challenging and there are many tips and strategies for how to do it. One systematic approach that works well for many people is using mind maps. With mind maps you can visualize different habit components and see how you will work on each part, being thoughtful and specific about what needs to happen when. When you can visualize all the cues, rewards, routines, and plans that go into a habit, you can better understand what you are doing.

What is a Mind Map?

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information, connecting ideas around a central subject. It often looks like a tree with many branches and is typically referred to as a “spider diagram”. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole. It is most often created around a single concept or one main idea, drawn as an image in the center of the page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those.

What Else is Mindmapping Used For?

Mind maps can be used for nearly any thinking or learning task, from studying a subject to planning your career or building healthy habits. You can use a mindmap to solve problems, set goals, create a knowledge bank (with mind mapping software you can attach files and add links) and more. Mind mapping can also be useful for note-taking; you can sort the ideas in a way that makes the most sense to you, rather than in the linear form presented in the source material. Mind maps also work well for organizing your life; you can take existing information and reorganize it with a mindmap to explore new relationships between concepts and ideas. Mindmaps are an excellent tool for creating just about anything.

Mind Maps at Work

Mind maps are also great for work teams to use for group brainstorming and interactive presentations. Mind mapping is an effective method for coming up with project ideas or solutions for business problems. They can help individuals and teams get unstuck, explore new ideas and create solutions.

Mind mapping is one of the best ways to capture your thoughts and bring them to life in visual form. Mind maps can help you become more creative, remember more, and solve problems more effectively.

Learn More about Mind Mapping

One of our popular targeted presentations is “Map It Out”. In this workshop we teach participant show to use mind mapping to unleash creativity, get unstuck, solve problems and plan projects.

Interested in learning more? Contact us to find out how we can bring a mind mapping workshop to your group.

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