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How to Improve Your Focus and Be More Productive

How to improve your focus

Focusing on one task at a time makes the brain more productive

It’s easy to get caught in the mindset that doing more than one thing at a time makes us more productive. In fact, just the opposite is true. When you focus on just one task all the way through to completion, you actually will accomplish more work in less time.

During the average workday, there are distractions coming at us from all directions. It can be a boss that interrupts you to assign a new task, a talkative co-worker, notifications and alarms that pop up from various apps and devices, the buzz of a shared work space that breaks your concentration, or just too much clutter on your desk that you’re not able to see past.

Studies show that in an eight-hour workday, the average person might lose up to 2.5 hours due to distractions. That’s a lot of wasted time! The more distracted you are, the harder it is to focus and achieve goals. How much more productive would you be if you could eliminate, or at least minimize, those distractions?

Focus: How can you minimize distractions and get more done

The primary skill we need to develop in order to break the habit of multi-tasking is the ability to focus. This means doing something and thinking about what you’re doing (and only that thing) at the same time. Once you learn how to focus, you’ll be able to more effectively handle interruptions and eliminate distractions. We’ve got a multitude of posts that will provide you with ideas and strategies to help you focus and fight the temptation to multi-task.

When you focus on one task at a time, working free from distraction, you can consistently get more of the important things done in less time. By implementing just this one productive habit, you’ll be working smarter, not harder, to get results.

Warning: Multitasking May Be Anti-Productive!

In March, our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity group will learn why multi-tasking is not an efficient productivity strategy and learn how to apply focus in chaotic environments by concentrating on one thing at a time. If you could use more time in your life for what’s most important, register to join us in time for our webinar on March 6th. Let us help you achieve long-term, sustainable, and life-changing productivity. Can’t register by March 6th? Don’t worry, the recording will be available to you as a member. Join today!

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