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Tech Talk Thursday: Online Home Organization Tools

Technology has given us many ways to save time, from online billing and banking to robot vacuum cleaners. Even if you aren’t very tech savvy, there are many intuitive tools and applications that are easy to use. Often, there are even free options that can help you organize your home and schedule in order to make more time in your life. Here is a list of five online home organization tools that can make organizing your time faster and easier.

Online Home Organization Tools

Online Home Organization Tools1. Evernote. Evernote is an amazing cloud-based service that can help you organize all your projects and ideas in one place. Think of it as an online sticky note tool. You can create folders and keep notes, website links and anything pertaining to a given project in one place. For example, collect ideas for holiday gifts throughout the year by creating a gift folder and adding links to interesting items. Keep notes on items that friends or family mention they wished they had, and collect other helpful reminders. Evernote even offers a Smartphone app, and it’s free! Enjoy a paperless home office!

2. Todoist. Create an online to-do list that keeps you on task with Todoist. This simple interface allows you to add tasks and attach due dates to them, giving you an ongoing list of what needs to be done today, tomorrow or even by the end of the year. This tool sends you alerts to keep you on the path to getting your to-do list cleared, and comes in both a free and premium version.

3. Mint. Keeping track of your finances can be time consuming, especially with the amount of accounts most households maintain. Mint is an online finance tool that allows you to see all your financial accounts in a designated place. See what money is going out, what your investments are earning and how much you owe on your credit cards without having to access all your different accounts. Setup is fast and easy, and yes, it is free!

4. Nirvana. Another great project and task organizer is Nirvana, a cloud-based organization tool that’s similar to Todoist and Evernote, almost like a combination of both. Nirvana allows you to capture your tasks and thoughts into a collaborative system, easily and quickly. It helps you narrow down what you need to focus on now, as well as bigger and more long term projects that you are working on. There is a free version and a monthly paid version, both with unlimited tasks, but limited projects on the free version.

5. Trello. If you’re looking for a simple way to organize to-dos or projects, this online Trello is an online project management system that is easy to implement and has a flexible interface to structure your projects the way that make the most sense to you. You can start using premade templates, like one for household chores, or set up boards, lists, and cards around each task or project. Plus, they provide a variety of “power-ups” that integrate with other systems or add additional functionality to a standard board.

There are literally hundreds of different online tools that can be helpful in organizing your life. Our Organizers can help you utilize these online tools, along with our other systems, to make organizing both your time and household quick and easy!

If you’ve tried any of these or other online tools to help you stay organized, we’d love to hear about it. Please comment and share!

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