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What You Need to Know About Time Management

Time Management

“Time Management is the key to success”, said Debbie Rosemont, in a recent interview with

“Time management is about planning and thoughtfulness. We can’t fabricate more time. We only have 24 hours in a day, so we really have to be thoughtful about how we use our time. This way, we get the important things done and have time for what matters most.”

There are several benefits of good time management; among them improved productivity, reduced stress and anxiety, less wasted time, and a more functional work-life balance.

While time management offers benefits, there are disadvantages to managing your time poorly, including missed deadlines, disorganization, poor work quality, and higher stress.

Time Management for Everyday Life

By identifying where your time goes and how you are spending your hours, you can then make adjustments based on priorities. Here are a few tips on time management for everyday life:

      • Take care of your health, and sleep so you can function.
      • Take time to plan time — daily.
      • Say no.
      • Pencil it in.
      • Unplug, so you can focus when you have to get something done.
      • Take breaks to clear your mind.

Saying “no” can be one of the most effective strategies to use. Listen to Certified Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant, Debbie Rosemont of Simply Placed talk about saying “no” to help you manage your time.

Just like any skill, time management requires effort and practice to master. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of the five best ways to develop time management skills. What are some things you can do this week to manage your time more effectively?

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