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How to Increase Focus and Productivity with a Houseplant

Perhaps you’ve heard about the benefits to health and well-being and productivity from taking regular breaks throughout your workday.  Your brain has a limited amount of energy for intense focus and direct attention.  Working beyond your brain’s capacity results in mental and physical fatigue, an increase in stress and overall reduced productivity. Two recent studies* in mental performance demonstrate that in addition to taking regular 5-10 minute breaks throughout the workday, there are ways take micro-breaks (<1 minute) that also contribute to mental restoration.  The studies show that incorporating plants into your workplace has a measurable positive impact on helping people restore mental focus, reduce stress and increase productivity.

How does having a plant on or near your desk improve productivity? There are a number of studies* that show the role being in or observing nature has on reducing stress, restoring or increasing focus and elevating mood.  A walk outside can lower blood pressure and stress.  Sitting outside in a natural landscape increases focus and creativity when brainstorming.  Is it possible to leverage the positive impact nature has on our brains by bringing nature inside?  Can a single plant or vase of cut flowers have a similar impact as a walk in the park?  Studies show that the answers to both these questions are yes!  And in fact that by having a small bit of nature inside in the form of a plant creates the unique opportunity for micro-restoration when people glance up from their work and spend a few seconds looking at or tending to a plant.

Including a plant in your workspace is a cost-effective and significant way to help restore focus, reduce stress and increase your productivity.  Consider adding one to your workspace.

Here are some other ideas on how to help reduce stress and increase mental focus.



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