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Wellness Wednesday: Relieve Chronic Stress

Did you know that  75% – 90% of all doctor visits are for stress-related problems? Most working adults are stressed to the point of feeling extremely fatigued and overwhelmed. Chronic stress at work causes you to lose productivity, not to mention time off for doctor visits and sick days. Most employees experience chronic stress for the following reasons: heavy workload levels, interpersonal issues with fellow employees or customers, job security worries, and work-life balance.

It’s not only the pressure of work that leads to chronic stress, it’s also other life events such as the illnesses of family members. Take some time out of your day to try some of the following techniques to reduce your stress level:

– Take breaks to stretch or walk around your office.

– Find the time to manage your day by settling SMART goals. For more tips on SMART goals setting, check out our pervious post, Goal Setting for the New Year: Make it SMART.

– Learn resilience. Being able to recover from the unexpected is an important set of skills. Learning and improving these skills will make you better able to overcome the challenges of work and life each day. For more tips on improving your resilience, read our post Wellness Wednesday: Learning Resilience.

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