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Wellness Wednesday: Prepare Yourself for Fall

Make the most of the last remaining days of summer, unwind and recharge before the last quarter of 2013!

Instead of being glued to your smart phone or tablet during these precious last few sunny days, try disconnecting. That way, you can stay present and focused on those people with whom you are sharing your time with. Use this time to unwind and recharge. When you return to the office and the fall begins, you’ll be motivated to finish 2013 with a bang!

Feeling guilty or worried about unplugging for a few days? Not being able to bring your stress level down will impact your productivity when you do return to work. So relax! You’ll be a better, more productive employee and ready to get off on the right foot for fall!

For more tips on unplugging and recharging, check out our pervious post, Wellness Wednesday: Getting Stress Relief from Your Vacation.

Do you unplug over the summer? We want to know!

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