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Find Time Friday: A Timely Quote IV

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” – Franz Kafka

What do you productivity habits help you accomplish? Do they help you meet your goals, stay on schedule or simply make you feel better about your workday?

What can you do now that you weren’t able to do before? We want to know!

How do you increase your focus and productivity? We want to know? Do you have a favorite “Timely Quote”? We would love to hear it! Did you know that “Timely Quote” is now a series? Don’t miss A Timely Quote III or A Timely Quote II.

If you could accomplish one thing today, what would it be? Need some help getting there? Visit our page on our Individual Productivity Consultations and learn more about how Simply Placed can help you get more done so you have time to do the things you really enjoy.

Could you use some practical yet simple tips to get you on your way to improving your productivity? Check out Six Word Lessons to be More Productive. Find what you need when you need it, be on time with your appointments and commitments, work free of distraction in your office, reduce stress, improve your follow through, and increase revenue. Work smarter, not harder with systems and habits that work.

Get lots of great nuggets in the following categories:
1. Assess Your Situation, Define Your Goals
2. Organize Your Space, Find Things Fast
3. Use Systems to Keep it Up
4. Use Your Time Wisely; Maximize Productivity
5. Habits Affect Productivity, Good or Bad
6. Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
7. Manage Email or It’ll Manage You
8. We’ve Gotta Stop Meeting Like This
9. The Paperless Society that Never Was

Let us know if Simply Placed can be a resource to you!

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