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Find Time Friday: A Timely Quote II

time management, productivity, maximize time

Our first “timely quote” was from Mason Cooley who said, “Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder.” This week we have another quote to ponder about productivity:

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

Increasing your productivity can take some effort! That’s why we bring you productivity tips every Friday here in our Find Time Friday feature. If you have any ideas for a Find Time Friday topic, let us know! If you could use some extra guidance in making your day the most productive it can be, we’d be happy to help! Visit our Individual Productivity Consultations page for more information.

Interested in more “Timely Quotes”? Read our previous post, Find Time Friday: A Timely Quote for more productivity inspiration.

Motivated to do something to boost your productivity? In Wellness Wednesday: The Neurotransmitter Dopamine Plays an Important Role in Productivity we share great tips like exercising, rewarding yourself and creating (and checking things off) a task list. To get going read Boost Your Energy with Organization so you can feel motivated to improve your productivity at work or at home today!

How do you increase your focus and productivity? We want to know? Do you have a favorite “Timely Quote”? We would love to hear it! Did you know that “Timely Quote” is now a series? Don’t miss A Timely Quote III or A Timely Quote IV.

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