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Find Time Friday: Finding a Routine for Fall

Have you been taking it easy this summer? Did you go on a few vacations and long weekend? Leave work early to enjoy the summer sun? Taking time off is a great way to decrease your stress levels, but what about when it’s time to buckle-down for the final quarter of the year? If you need to find a routine for fall, we have some great tips.

Catch up on email. Has a long summer vacation left you with a daunting inbox? Scheduling a block of time when you return  is a great way to start processing your inbox and catch up on what you’ve missed. Could you use an Email Intervention? We know (and perhaps you agree) that a lot of people out there are addicted to email. Others may not feel addicted, but are stressed out by the sheer volume they receive and overwhelmed by the time it sucks out of their workday and even their leisure time. Let us know if we can help you dig out from under all that unread email.

Hit the ground running. Have a good healthy breakfast and then start your workday with a meeting with yourself. Block off a chunk of time to get organized. Don’t forget to keep the healthy eating going all day long! Read our post: Wellness Wednesday: Healthy Snacks for a Productive Day to get some great ideas for healthy, productive snacking.

Ease back in. Don’t schedule anything too challenging for your first few days back in September, give yourself time to adjust and catch up.

For more tips for getting back in the work-groove, check out our pervious posts, Monday Mom’s Moment: Regaining Your Morning Schedule and Find Time Friday: Beat Disorganization with a Schedule.

How do you find your routine after summer? We want to know!

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