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Morning Routines to Help You to Work More Productively

morning routine

In our last blog post, we shared our thoughts on how to end your day productively when you are working from home. Similarly, starting your day with routines both at home and at work will add predictability and success to the flow of your work for the rest of the day. 

When you have a set pattern of tasks, activities or habits, at some point they become instinctive. You just DO them without even thinking about them because you know the result will be worth it in the end. Here is a suggested routine to start your work day, to be completed after you get your day off on the right start personally:

Processing Email

When we talk about “processing Email”, we don’t mean opening an Email, reading it, then returning it to your inbox. Processing means to take action on removing it from your inbox. Your inbox should ONLY be for things you’ve not seen or read yet. This blog post offers strategies you can use to proactively manage your Email inbox and process your Email more effectively.  

Task Management

Are you keeping up with your task management system, or are you finding yourself working more “reactively” as things come up? Be sure you’re following your usual daily routines and staying on top of the tasks you have scheduled for your day. Returning to your usual workplace with new habits and routine to stay more productive will pay dividends, compared to returning with less than desirable habits that will set you back. 

Also, you will want to review your tasks throughout the day and reorder them as new priorities come up. Work from your task list and always make sure you do the highest priority tasks first. 

Working Smarter, Not Harder

Whether it is preparing for the next day’s work or just knowing when to “clock out” for the day, routines are the foundation for anyone who is trying to work smarter, not harder.

If you’d like to learn more tips and strategies like this, our “It’s About Time” virtual productivity program can help! With monthly webinars and topics to help you work efficiently and effectively, along with support and accountability to help you stay focused, this program will add value and give you time back in your life. No matter if you are working in an office or from your home, we have the virtual solutions you need to stay productive. Contact us today to learn how we can be a resource to you.

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