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Say No to increase your Focus

Say No to increase your Focus

Are you pulled in so many directions that you can’t focus? Our culture places so much emphasis on working more, earning more and doing more that exhaustion and stress might seem like a necessary price to pay to please others and be successful. But when we are stretched too thin, constantly rushing from one thing to the… Read more

15 Tips for good email etiquette

Email is still the most widely used form of business communication, and research shows that the average American employee spends at least a quarter of his or her time at work sifting through hundreds of emails received and sent each day. Since email has been around for a long time and we receive so many email messages it is often… Read more

Stop apologizing and make your emails stronger

Do your emails contain words such as “just”, “I think”, “sorry” or “I am not an expert”? If your writing contains words and phrases like these that soften your communications, you may be unintentionally decreasing the confidence others (and you) have in your ideas, and hurting your business. A new Gmail extension called “Just Not Sorry” identifies words that are best… Read more

Sitting Too Much? Move More for Health and Focus

Many studies have been published recently about the unhealthy effects of our sedentary lifestyle. Sitting too much is taking a toll on our health and well-being. Many people are opting for standing desks to vary their posture and prevent sitting disease. A 2014 study in the International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health found… Read more

 “Plan for Success” on January 5th featuring Debbie Rosemont!

Start the new year poised for success! On Tuesday January 5th Debbie Rosemont, CPO and owner of Simply Placed, will present “Plan for Success” at the Snohomish County Chapter eWomenNetwork networking luncheon in Everett, WA. Many people set goals or make resolutions, but most lose steam in their pursuit. At this powerful event, participants will: Reflect on the time period… Read more

How to Have Effective Meetings: A Guide for Before, During, and After

We posted this some time ago, but as the topic has come up again and again in recent days, we’re re-posting! Meetings are a critical activity, yet most people complain that meetings are boring, unproductive and a waste of time, money and energy. The good news is, you can eradicate you bad meeting habits and… Read more

Banish Procrastination Today

Are you ready to break your procrastination habit? Take a few easy steps at work today to start new habits that will help you to be come more efficient and get more done in less time. Do you have several small tasks to handle today? Don’t wait! It’s easy to put off things that are… Read more

Go Paperless with Peace of Mind

Have you resisted going paperless for fear that you might lose all your files and documents due to a hard drive crash, or that a hacker may get into your computer and steal all your important information?  Perhaps you worry you will delete a document and it will take hours to retrieve it, or that your entire computer… Read more

Case Study: Linda Lay, Delta Dental of Washington

Case Study: Linda Lay, Delta Dental of Washington “Book now – this is certainly training that will reduce stress and increase productivity on all levels.” ~ Linda Lay, Director Sales and Account Management The Problem As the Director of Sales and Account Management, Linda Lay supervises the company’s overall sales productivity. She was looking for… Read more

See Simply Placed in Action at Business Theatre Live

There are thousands of apps out there promising to help you increase productivity. Some work well and many are junk. How do apps help you increase productivity? And how do you know which ones to choose? Simply Placed Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant Debbie Rosemont will teach you how to cull through apps, evaluate them based on… Read more

Supercharge Your Task List to Get More Done

A task list is nothing more than a collection of words that cue you to take an action. You can supercharge your task list by choosing more effective words that not only cue you to take action, they also clearly define the action you need to take.  When you choose better words for your task… Read more

Are Worry and Anxiety Undermining Your Productivity?

Worry and anxiety have far-reaching consequences when it comes to your ability to get things done.  You’re likely familiar with what happens to your body and mood when you simply worry about remembering to do something.  You may feel twitchy or tingly or like your mind is racing.  You may become irritable.  Less familiar to… Read more

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