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Super-Charge Your Apps to Get More Done with This Tool

Super-Charge Your Apps to Get More Done with This Tool

Leverage the power of automation to get more things done and extend your productive capabilities.  There are many apps when used alone are strong productivity enhancing tools.  If you already use some of these tools, you may not be able to imagine functioning without them.  Imagine though how much more helpful these apps could be if… Read more

Here’s How to Use Automation to Increase Productivity and Reduce Stress

The ability to automate processes marked a signifiant shift in the ability to increase manufacturing productivity and quality.  Finding ways to automate tasks can also help you increase your productivity and effectiveness at work and in life. Benefits of automation include: Freeing up time and attention Predictably and reliably executing common activities Reducing the risk of… Read more

Productivity Tip – Post Your Top Three Priorities

Debbie Rosemont, CPO with Simply Placed offers a productivity tip. Visibly post your top 3 priorities each day to help you maintain focus and know what you want to accomplish. Use a visible reminder like this to guide children to do chores or finish homework before they play or engage in screen time as well.

Be Below Average in Order to be More Productive

There are probably many things you strive to excel at in order to do better in your field and accomplish more in your day.  Today consider how being below average in one key area will recoup hours of wasted time each week, help you work and think with greater focus and ultimately will help you… Read more

Learn How to Improve Productivity with Apps

Simply Placed offers a variety of resources designed to help you improve your productivity with technology.  In addition to how-to guides, app reviews and one-on-one consultation, Simply Placed is pleased to offer an educational and practical seminar on strategies for using apps effectively and recommendations for the best apps to use. Get Organized and Productive with… Read more

5 Small Productivity Tips that Have Big Impact

Small actions can have large results.  When it comes to increasing productivity through improved organization, small changes in behaviors and routine regularly create tremendous change.  Here are 5 small changes you can try today (choose 1 or more) to improve your productivity, reduce stress and overwhelm and save time. Start your day from your task list… Read more

How to Have Effective Meetings: A Guide for Before, During, and After

Meetings are a critical activity, yet most people complain that meetings are boring, unproductive and a waste of time, money and energy. The good news is, you can eradicate you bad meeting habits and learn to avoid the common pitfalls! Soon you’ll be looking forward to these productive opportunities for mutual learning and decision making. Effective… Read more

Do This for 1 Week to Increase Productivity

How much more time are you going to waste visually scanning through an email inbox full of unread messages?  If you’re looking to find more time in your day, consider starting with this easy fix. Declutter your email inbox to reduce the amount of time you spend reading your list of unread messages. Consider this…… Read more

Study Smarter with These Agile Learning Strategies

How can you increase your productivity with agility? Agile and agility have taken on buzzword status.  You hear these words used to describe fitness goals (increase agility), software development (agile programming), marketing and now learning.  The common theme in the use of agile across these fields is the idea that there is value to being prepared… Read more

Adopt Organized Systems for Note-Taking to Learn Faster

The purpose of taking notes is to remember information.  For some, it is simply the act of taking the notes that commits things to memory.  For others, the value of taking notes resides in being able to reference the notes later.  Most people benefit from both the experience of note-taking as well as the ability to reference… Read more

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